Like sweet paprika, it is obtained from the “Bola” variety pepper once dried and ground. Its color is bright red. It has a very characteristic strong and penetrating smell, great coloring power, and extraordinary flavor, with a rabid touch provided by the cayenne mixture. It comes directly from the Americas, with its origin in ancient Mexico, although the varieties have spread to other countries.
Its taste? Unmistakable. Its uses? As many as you want. It is the traditional condiment of Mexican cuisine and the star ingredient of many products such as chorizo or sobrasada. Of course, you have to be brave and dare with strong flavors, because hot paprika is a direct explosion on the palate.
The hot paprika variety has more restricted uses due to its intense heat, but its presence in pork meats is very common, as it gives certain varieties of chorizo and black pudding that characteristic and unique heat.
This red seasoning is the touch of personality that many dishes need. Your ally? The meat, without a doubt. Although there are more and more recipes that give it a spicy touch with this paprika, such as octopus or even French fries. All your meals will be impregnated with an unmistakable smell and flavor. Dare and try this glass jar!